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AristoCrash is a 4 player co-op, hack and slash, adventure game made in Unity Engine. Starring 4 heroes that each specialise in different classes (Wizard, Gunslinger, Ranger, Knight); the heroes travel across 4 Levels to 'Crash that Castle' and save the princess from the evil Skeleton King that has overrun the kingdom.

My primary role on the project was as Level Designer. Some of my work on the level design is shown below with a set of design sheets created before the levels where whiteboxed and made in Unity.

Final Aristocrash Level 2 Design.png

This level, the Underground Cave featured a slightly more open design, rewarding players for exploring a little and deviating from the linear path. The level eas set the teach players how to use the explosives mechanic where players could drop a box of explosives on a damaged/breakable wall to open it and progress.

The first encounter would feature a locked door that should players find the breakable wall in the next room, would find a key to. Travelling back to this room would unlock an optional ability for the party to use for the rest of the game, rewarding them for their engagement in the new explosives mechanic, encouraging them to continue to make use of it in the future.

This Level, the Castle Village would feature enemies running into battle from the backgorund streets and alleys as players rush the castle.

Upon reaching the castle, the Skeleton King would break through the wall and flee, the other boss would be shielded and immobile. Players would have to take down enemies, climb to the upper floors of the castle and head to the bell towers. By ringing the bells, the shield would weaken and once both are sounded, the boss would be open to attack.

Final Aristocrash Level 4 Design.png
Final Aristocrash Level 3 Design.png

Level 4, Castle Escape involves the plyayers going after the Skeleton King. Players will travel through the castle dungeon and deal with different level hazards like those introduced with Level 2's Minecarts and Falling Stalactites. Here Swinging Axes and Spikes, amongst the tight corridoors and numerous enemies will present players with considerable challenge.

Players will have to travel across the castle wall to track down the Skeleton King and corner him on the final area.

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